Lakeview Wesleyan Church - Marion, Indiana

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Lakeview Newsflash - April, 2024

If you've missed a sermon, you can watch any previous sermons here. To listen to songs from the worship service, click here.

To find out What's Happening at Lakeview, visit The Hub at today. The Hub can keep you up to date all month long!

There will be no Wednesdays @ Lakeview or small group meetings tonight, March 27. Wednesdays @ Lakeview and Small Groups will resume meeting (6-7:30 PM) next week. See Small Group options on the Sign-up area on The Hub. 

Good Friday Service is March 29 at 6 PM. This service will be a short, reflective communion service focused on the events surrounding the cross.

Easter Sunday Service is March 31 at 10:30 AM. Our Easter Sunday service will be a 1-hour, contemporary worship service celebrating Jesus' resurrection! Classes are available for children age birth-5th grade.

Senior Adult Ministries (SAMS) Brunch is meeting on April 11 beginning at 10 AM. Enter through Door A and meet in Meeting Room 3-FLC. (This is a change from where we have been meeting.) Our own Lola Gauby will teach us how to make spring artificial flower arrangements to take to our shut ins. Supplies will be furnished but please sign up so we know how many supplies to purchase. The meal costs $6 per person. Go to the Hub, scroll down to the Sign-Up area, and click on SAMS Brunch to sign up. 

Join us for a Marriage Conference on April 19-20! We believe in your marriage! If you're married, plan to join us for our Marriage Conference on April 19 & 20 here at Lakeview as Jim & Jerolyn Bogear teach us about healthy relationships. The cost is $50 per couple (scholarships available). You must register by April 10th. For more info and to register, click here.

The Women’s Ministry invites all women to “Breathe: A Time of Personal Prayer for Women”, an evening of prayer, music and Scripture on Friday, May 3 from 7-8:30pm. Take a night out to just come pray together as women for the needs of our families, our community, our nation and the world.  Childcare provided. Put it on your calendar now and plan to invite a friend.  Register on the Hub beginning April 3.

Senior Adult Ministries (SAMS) one-day trip to Shipshewana will be on May 7, 2024. For more information and to register, go to the Hub beginning April 3, 2024. 

Need to talk to a pastor? Call our pastoral care line at 765-251-8824.

Join us as we read through the Bible in One Year! Look for instructions on What's Happening on The Hub to download the app. A list of readings for each day is also available at the Welcome Center.